Tomb Raider 5

Tomb Raider ChroniclesTomb Raider 5: Chronicles

About : Tomb Raider 5

Everywhere - was last seen buried under an Egyptian pyramid at the end of Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation. In spite of this apparent extirpation, Lara back in Tomb Raider: Chronicles, a journey that comprises new episodes of his career. Old friends of Lara which met for burial to share stories concerning her exploits introduce the episodes. The first level is set in Rome and is standard Tomb Raider, it is full of jumping and solve riddles with a minimum of gunfire. This recalls the very first game - it even features the wrong guys Pierre and Larson comedy. This section also serves as an introduction to different movements and Lara is a real festival of yearning for longtime fans.

Screenshots Gallery :

Tomb Raider Chronicles
Tomb Raider Chronicles
Tomb Raider Chronicles

System Requirements :

OS: Windows 95/98/ME
Processor: Pentium 2 @ 300 MHz
Memory: 16 MB
Hard Drive: 300 MB Free


Tomb Raider 5


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